Custom Clip: When Gia opens the door, there’s her tall friend Jeanette, long time no see, who come to take her measurement because she needs new clothing and Gia is able to help her with clothing for tall women.
Gia’s wearing her highest heels, so she’s taller than Jeanette and wants to compare with her.
The tall friends compare their height by going back to back to see who ís the tallest.
Then Jeanette’s wondering how tall her friend is.
I come to your house but It isn’t made for tall amazons like myself. Your belly button comes up to my knees and your shoulder to my hip. This house is so small I keep almost hitting my head on the door frame.
Gia and Damazonia tower over their tiny little hobbit in their skyscraper heals. It’s not like they really even need them, already being 6 ft 1 they enjoy crushing there tiny little hobbit. They lift him, crush him and humiliate his small size as they tower over him.
Custom Clip: It was a long day and when Gia arrives at home, she puts off her shoes
takes a drink and starts doing her pole exercises.
Then she walks to the door and asks herself if her ceiling is high enough for pole dancing in her highest heels
She decides to measure the doorway and height of the ceiling.
Can she reach the ceiling barefooted? In her highest heels it’s so easy
She starts measuring, the doorway is easy. For the ceiling she needs a chair.
When all is measured and done, she stands with her back to the door, stretches her arms and tries to reach the ceiling
then she stands on her toes to reach the ceiling. Her reach is almost 8 feet!
After that she puts on her high heels to figure out how easy this is in heels.
And the pole dancing? Is she too tall for pole dancing in high heels?
We soon will know!!
Gia teases small 5 ft 7″ Angel as he tall 6 ft 9″ frame in heels stands next to him. She compares their height, side to side, back to back, hands, legs and then makes him kiss her feet since he’s so close to them. She squeezes him and lifts him laughing at how small and light he is. He only weighs 110lbs! Gia grabs Angel’s tiny little neck and clasps her hand together around his tiny neck. She places her hand over his face and completely covers his face with her huge hands. Then she compares her hand to his butt which is so small, while Angel needs 3-4 hands on hers. She grabs Angel and smothers him in between her boobs smothering him and fogging up his glasses.
Gia continues to tease, lift and make fun of how weak he is till the end and then has him kneel on the ground as footstool and she puts her legs on him crushing him to the ground
‘Hey Shorty’, Goddess Gia greets Mikey unironcially as she compares his tiny frame with her own towering stature. She compares height and size with his comparatively tiny body parts and asks if he can lift her, which he then makes a vain attempt at. Mikey soon proceeds to find out he is in a spot of trouble as Goddess Gia informs him that she plans on squeezing him to rest. She bear hugs him, lifting him up in the air as his tiny legs flail away mid-air. ‘I kinda like picking on you’, Goddess Gia says as she smothers him between her breasts, makes him smell her divine butt and gets him in a headlock. It’s clear to see that Goddess Gia enjoys what she does and she laughs wickedly before she squeezes the final grunt and groans out of Mikey before he goes to rest, collapsing in a frail heap to the floor.
Bailey Paige 4 ft 11 and 110 lbs and Gia 6 ft 1 and 220 lbs compare their height with and without heels. They also measure their hands, feet, legs and arms. Such a big size comparison especially with Gia’s 8 inch heels.
Gia and Devlin are strippers and fight over a small patron to take them for a dance. When Devlin cuts Gia off, Gia gets mad and they start tugging at him, lifting him and squeezing him in between them. They end up having fun playing with him, lifting him up and giving him piggy back rides as his tiny little body hangs off their big strong frames.
You have never had to deal with hitting your head on doorways or lights or bending down to look in the mirror. Well let me show you shorty, time to get on my level and see things from my view shorty.
Gia is late to her job interview and notices some competition already there who is very prepared for the job. Gia tries to copy his answers but he notices and starts to call in to let them know. Gia quickly grabs his face with her big hands and smothers him. He can’t get away from tall Gia. Gia takes his sheets and hand smothers him standing, pushes him on the couch, then the floor until he goes to rest. She then drags him away and goes to her interview.
Gia lifts little Mikey up with her butt and squishes him against the wall. He is so tiny at 5 6″ he only comes up to her chest. She picks on him grabbing his head and smothering him with her boobs and teases him lifting him up with her butt watching his feet dangle.
You are so small and I am such a tall goddess! I am a real life sky scraper, I am so much taller and stronger than you! Your so small you could walk right through my legs. Come on shorty take a walk through, you love the view. You are a little scared that I might close my legs and squash you you aren’t you?! Maybe next time I won’t be so nice!