Custom Clip:
I’d like to see a scenario where you confront Jeanette angry because you heard she was messing with your boyfriend.
Starting with her sitting and you standing (ideally barefoot and wearing bathing suits)accusing her and telling her that your going to crush her. Jeanette then stands up right in your face towering over you, telling you to go ahead and try.
This is the tiniest house you have! I hit my head on the ceiling, the overhead light and can’t fit through the doors. It’s the perfect house for a midget like you!
In this Part 2 , Gia teaches Jeanette how to knock out their victim with a triangle choke and Gia’s Secret Scissor. Watch him pass out out in 3-5 seconds…each time!
Gia 6ft 1 and Jeanette 6 ft 6 compare their height to small 5 foot 6 Teddy Bear. They compare their hands, feet, hips and butts. Gia and Jeanette are so tall they had to film this clip vertical to even fit in! After their comparisons they squeeze, lift and squish the Teddy bear between them and smother him with their big butts.
Custom Clip: When Gia opens the door, there’s her tall friend Jeanette, long time no see, who come to take her measurement because she needs new clothing and Gia is able to help her with clothing for tall women.
Gia’s wearing her highest heels, so she’s taller than Jeanette and wants to compare with her.
The tall friends compare their height by going back to back to see who ís the tallest.
Then Jeanette’s wondering how tall her friend is.
Gia compares here 7ft 1 height with tiny little 5 7″ Hugo. Gia is 6 ft 1 but in her 12′ heels gains a foot! They compare hip height, shoulders, hands, feet, legs and then Gia removes her tall heels to still tower over Little Hugo.
I come to your house but It isn’t made for tall amazons like myself. Your belly button comes up to my knees and your shoulder to my hip. This house is so small I keep almost hitting my head on the door frame.
Gia and Damazonia tower over their tiny little hobbit in their skyscraper heals. It’s not like they really even need them, already being 6 ft 1 they enjoy crushing there tiny little hobbit. They lift him, crush him and humiliate his small size as they tower over him.
Custom Clip: It was a long day and when Gia arrives at home, she puts off her shoes
takes a drink and starts doing her pole exercises.
Then she walks to the door and asks herself if her ceiling is high enough for pole dancing in her highest heels
She decides to measure the doorway and height of the ceiling.
Can she reach the ceiling barefooted? In her highest heels it’s so easy
She starts measuring, the doorway is easy. For the ceiling she needs a chair.
When all is measured and done, she stands with her back to the door, stretches her arms and tries to reach the ceiling
then she stands on her toes to reach the ceiling. Her reach is almost 8 feet!
After that she puts on her high heels to figure out how easy this is in heels.
And the pole dancing? Is she too tall for pole dancing in high heels?
We soon will know!!
Gia and Amazon Amanda are so tall so big they get stuck in the door way. Amanda at 6 ft 3 and 375llbs and Gia 6ft 1 and 225lbs are too big for their small bathroom door. They even show how when they sit down on the toile they are completely stuck in the small space.
Gia teases small 5 ft 7″ Angel as he tall 6 ft 9″ frame in heels stands next to him. She compares their height, side to side, back to back, hands, legs and then makes him kiss her feet since he’s so close to them. She squeezes him and lifts him laughing at how small and light he is. He only weighs 110lbs! Gia grabs Angel’s tiny little neck and clasps her hand together around his tiny neck. She places her hand over his face and completely covers his face with her huge hands. Then she compares her hand to his butt which is so small, while Angel needs 3-4 hands on hers. She grabs Angel and smothers him in between her boobs smothering him and fogging up his glasses.
Gia continues to tease, lift and make fun of how weak he is till the end and then has him kneel on the ground as footstool and she puts her legs on him crushing him to the ground