Gia and Devlin are scrambling to get their boss his work documents as he storms in demanding it and giving them grief for not wearing shoes. He picks up his phone and that’s when they put some shrinking medicine in his coffee. As he takes a sip he begins to shrink down floor level. Gia and Devlin laugh at him and threaten to crush him and move up the corporate ladder to be the bosses, threatening to crush him with their big feet and big butts.Finally when they have had enough of his tiny squeaky voice they crush him with their feet.
Gia is waiting outside for her dinner dates Mark and Justin to come pick her up for wing night. They are already 20 minutes late and Gia is sick of waiting. She notices there car parked down the street but can’t spot them anywhere. She hears them screaming her name but can’t see them anywhere. She looks all around to finally notices that they are on her front step the size of her finger nail! She laughs and looks around thinking that this is some sort of joke. She picks them up and is only mad that they made her wait so long and she is hungry because they were supposed to go out for Wings and beer. Instead Gia insists that they will be her wings instead tonight. She presser her feet down beside them comparing their size different. She then plays eeny-meeny-miny-mo and chooses Justin to be crushed first. She crushes Justin and he crunches and flies of her step! She then retrieves him and eats his tiny little bod.
She then zooms in on Mark and toys with him poking him with her big toe, she says fee-fi-fo-fum and squishes tiny Mark repeatedly and his crushed body is stuck on her foot. He falls onto the step and she picks him up and pops him in her both as she says how delicious they tasted and thank you boys for wing night as she pats her throat.
You are so small and I am such a tall goddess! I am a real life sky scraper, I am so much taller and stronger than you! Your so small you could walk right through my legs. Come on shorty take a walk through, you love the view. You are a little scared that I might close my legs and squash you you aren’t you?! Maybe next time I won’t be so nice!
Gia enjoys Cocktail Shrimp at a restaurant, but then she notices that there are tiny little men sprinkled on her shrimps. They are another version of shrimp, a human version that this restaurant specially shrinks and serves. Gia enjoys eating her appetizer but really enjoyed eating the tiny pathetic losers that were sprinkled all over her shrimp cocktail. She eats all the tiny human seasoning on her plate before she finishes her dish. She asks the waiter for more seasoning but then decides the waiter would make a fine little snack and asks if she can shrink him instead.
So I get the keys to my new studio and the ceilings are too low! My head is pressed up to the ceiling with my heels on and the drop of the ceiling could take my head off. Are you sure this isn’t your house? This is a house built for midgets like you! I am 6 foot 9 with my heels on and can touch the ceiling with my arms bent. If you jumped you could probably touch it! This house isn’t built for Amazons!
Gia is brushing her teeth and she notices a tiny shrunk man while she is spitting. She picks him up and shows him all around her mouth. Teasing him with a big smile. She pulls him out and tells him how she wants to crush him with her teeth. Opening up wide playing with her tongue with an up close view she prepares him for what’s to come. She wants to play with him in her mouth before she finally eats the little man. She opens up and starts chewing and eats the tiny man as she touches her throat.
I see you down there you small little villain! There is no escaping me I am a giantess and I will find you and destroy everything in your path to crush you. So go ahead try and hide from me I dare you!
I am getting ready to go to the beach and I discover a tiny shrunken little man peeping on me as I’m changing. I make him sweat as I toy with him, teasing him with my big feet. I then begin stomping down on the carpet as he runs through the loops of the carpet. I just about thought that I lost him as i throw all of my bathing suits around but I find him and I pulverize him!