Gia compares here 7ft 1 height with tiny little 5 7″ Hugo. Gia is 6 ft 1 but in her 12′ heels gains a foot! They compare hip height, shoulders, hands, feet, legs and then Gia removes her tall heels to still tower over Little Hugo.
Gia and Damazonia tower over their tiny little hobbit in their skyscraper heals. It’s not like they really even need them, already being 6 ft 1 they enjoy crushing there tiny little hobbit. They lift him, crush him and humiliate his small size as they tower over him.
I’m so tall, you have the perfect view from down there for me to tease you with my pantyhose and short skirt. You must be used to dating shorter girls and never had the pleasure of serving a Tall Goddess so take notes bitch boy!
Gia is so tall especially in her 10 inch heels and you are so short you don’t even reach her chest. There is only one thing good about being so short and this is to being so close to Goddess Gia’s ass but since she’s running low on toilet paper she could always use your tongue to lick her clean since your so short!
Gia starts off with lifting tiny little 5 ft 5″ hobbit in a bear hug, side carry, piggy back , leg lift, and turns him upside down as he dangles off her 6 ft 1 frame. Gia then asks him to lift her up, he lifts her up first with a bear hug and then gives the goddess a piggy back ride. Gia doesn’t know how to handle getting lifted and screams with fear scared that the little hobbit will drop her.
Gia and Damazonia have found a tiny little man, but he’s really not even a man , they name him Hobbit. The toy around and tease the tiny 5 5″ hobbit as they tower over him in there 10 inch heels making them 7ft tall!
They compare there legs, arms, big hands to his small tiny feet lifting him kicking him and toying with him.
Both ladies are 6ft 1, Damazonia 175lbs and Gia 225lbs
Trick or Treat! Well you are awfully old to be Trick Or treating…and short. Looks like you waited all year to come say hello to your new neighbour huh?! Well here is your treat.. well it says “Mr.Big” but your not so big! Come and get it shorty! Now’s your chance you waited all year for this now come get this chocolate…all the way up here wedged between my butt! Still can’t huh?! Trick’s on you loser!
Gia and Devlin are strippers and fight over a small patron to take them for a dance. When Devlin cuts Gia off, Gia gets mad and they start tugging at him, lifting him and squeezing him in between them. They end up having fun playing with him, lifting him up and giving him piggy back rides as his tiny little body hangs off their big strong frames.
Gia lifts little Mikey up with her butt and squishes him against the wall. He is so tiny at 5 6″ he only comes up to her chest. She picks on him grabbing his head and smothering him with her boobs and teases him lifting him up with her butt watching his feet dangle.
You are so small and I am such a tall goddess! I am a real life sky scraper, I am so much taller and stronger than you! Your so small you could walk right through my legs. Come on shorty take a walk through, you love the view. You are a little scared that I might close my legs and squash you you aren’t you?! Maybe next time I won’t be so nice!
Gia meets with little Mikey again who is lighter than when they met last weighing 135lbs and 5 7″. Gia is so much taller than him in her heels that she can see right over him. They compare legs, hands, arm length. Gia’s hips go up to his armpits! She even lifts him from behind as his legs dangle off the floor. Gia smacks Mikey’s butt by dropping her arm low but little Mikey has to reach a little higher to smack Gia’s butt! Gia asks Mikey for a kiss and he jumps as high as he can to get her cheek!
Step-Mommy makes everything better come sit on my lap and let me make everything better for you. Tell step-mommy what’s bothering you, I can protect you. One day you will be just as big as step-mommy …hopefully.
Little Chicho is only 5 3″ and Gia is 6 1″ , Chicho is so small in Step-Mommy’s lap.