Picking On Little Mikey
Picking On Little Mikey
$9.99Gia meets with little Mikey again who is lighter than when they met last weighing 135lbs and 5 7″. Gia is so much taller than him in her heels that she can see right over him. They compare legs, hands, arm length. Gia’s hips go up to his armpits! She even lifts him from behind as his legs dangle off the floor. Gia smacks Mikey’s butt by dropping her arm low but little Mikey has to reach a little higher to smack Gia’s butt! Gia asks Mikey for a kiss and he jumps as high as he can to get her cheek!
Categories: Amazons, Body Part Comparison, Lift & Carry, Size Comparison, Tall WomenLength: 8 Minutes
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