Gia 6 ft 1 and Kimchi 5ft 2 start off in their heels comparing their height. KimChi takes off her heels and the two girls compare their hip height, arm length, hands, feet and legs.
Custom Clip: You walk in extremely sweaty from the gym. Kimchi is your annoying small new roommate and ur new heels have just came in. You decide to put them on and intimidate kimchi. You stand over her and Mock her of her height. You press her face to ur sweaty breasts and smother her. You then headlock her and her to ur armpits. She smells both and licks them is disgusted. If there is still more time u continue to do a size comparison.
I really want this video to be of u making fun of her height and showing how much taller and bigger you are than her. So it’s mostly a size comparison video.
Gia the Giant at 6ft 1 lifts tiny little 4 11′ Bailey in a bunch of different lifts with ease. Gia weighs 225lbs and bailey at 110lbs is half her size!
Custom: You would both be standing up barefoot… you would be tormenting her by stepping on top of her feet so she cant move, and her feet completely covered up and pinned down under your big feet for 10 minutes.
Bailey Paige 4 ft 11 and 110 lbs and Gia 6 ft 1 and 220 lbs compare their height with and without heels. They also measure their hands, feet, legs and arms. Such a big size comparison especially with Gia’s 8 inch heels.
You have never had to deal with hitting your head on doorways or lights or bending down to look in the mirror. Well let me show you shorty, time to get on my level and see things from my view shorty.
Gia meets with little Mikey again who is lighter than when they met last weighing 135lbs and 5 7″. Gia is so much taller than him in her heels that she can see right over him. They compare legs, hands, arm length. Gia’s hips go up to his armpits! She even lifts him from behind as his legs dangle off the floor. Gia smacks Mikey’s butt by dropping her arm low but little Mikey has to reach a little higher to smack Gia’s butt! Gia asks Mikey for a kiss and he jumps as high as he can to get her cheek!
Gia has a session with tiny little 5 3″ Chicho. She compares her height in heels and without, their hands, feet and legs. Chicho goes right to Gia’s chest making him the perfect arm rest for Gia.
I know you love to see me towering above you but what if I try on my top two highest heels. Watch me grow from 6 foot 1 to 6 foot 9 right before your eyes. You could never be this tall, I can touch the ceiling with my hands flat and change a light bulb without a ladder unlike you shorty.
Hey shorty I bet you want to know just how long my luscious long legs are. Can you believe my legs are this long! You are so short you would probably walk right under my legs. But wait let me put on my 8 inch heels and then we’ll see just how long these legs are. You really have to crank your head to look up at me, I think your the one who needs the heels. Go on put them on shorty you’ll only come to my chest!